causes-of-stressCauses of stress are numerous and differ from person to person. The most well known study was carried out  by Holmes and Rahe in 1967 and  identified 43 Life Events that caused stress. Each of the events were ranked, starting with the most high risk changes down to the lower risk ones. A more recent inventory was developed by Professor Gary Cooper from Manchester University in 1988 -see below

The most common stressors known to STRESSWORX are:-

  • workload, fear of redundancy, time management, bullying
  • discrimination, harassment, conflicting values
  • high expectations, lack of support, unrealistic targets
  • fears, phobias, annoying habits, cravings and addictions
  • painful memories, limiting beliefs, low self esteem
  • lack of confidence, anger, jealousy, resentment, guilt
  • grief, sense of failure, inadequacy, panic, anxiety
  • tension, worry, pressure, procrastination, body image
  • sexuality, acceptance, relationships, health
  • personality clashes, elderly parents, children, partners
  • weight, smoking, alcohol, obsessive compulsive behaviour
  • money, employment, exams, moving house, family events